Scientific Background

Recent research indicates that targeted hand function training enhances neuroplastic changes in the brain. We are applying deep research in neuroplasticity combined with personalized and targeted hand rehabilitation technology to aid in motor control recovery.

Current Research

Scientists at Baycrest Hospital, McMaster & Laurentian Universities are testing experimental hand motor therapies for post stroke upper limb impairment using the MyHand System. Some trials are on-going, check back here to see the latest recruitment posters to get in touch with these reaserchers. Projects are updated reguarly.

The ability of the brain and spinal cord to change


Neuroplasticity refers to the ability of the brain and spinal cord to change. At one time it was just a theoretical concept, it is now proven to have a huge impact on individuals with traumatic brain injury or stroke. "Scientists have shown the brain healing impact of neuroplasticity in both animals and humans." There are a number of fascinating real-life stories that illustrate the concept of neuroplasticity.


"An August 2018 NPR Science Friday show highlighted two captivating real-life stories." First, a boy who lost 1/6th of his brain, and has learned to live with it beyond and against everyone’s expectations. Second, healthy humans with two functioning arms, to whom a bionic arm (third arm) was attached at their neck, and connected to their brain using neural links (nerves) normally not used for hand-related activities. A total of 14 individuals participated in this study, and all of them were able to perform a two handed task (with their two healthy hands), while the bionic arm was able to hold a bottle.

Scientific Presentations

Hand function study using IRegained hand function device

Muscle function and functional abilities improved as a result of the hand training program

Pepe, A., Vasiliu, D., Vollebregt, B., Jain, A., Reinikka, K., Lawrence-Dewar, J., Johnson, VBK. Evaluation of a novel hand training device and program on muscle pattern activity following stroke, World Stroke Congress, Montreal, 2018.

Patients felt their overall abilities improved as a result of participating in the study

Vollebregt, B., Reinikka, K., Vasiliu, D., Pepe, AM., Jain, A., Lawrence-Dewar, JM., Johnson, VBK. The Impact of a Hand Training Programme in Chronic Stroke Survivors: A Qualitative Analysis of a Community Based Program, Northern Constellations Conference, Thunder Bay, 2018.

Patients who participated in the study improved in their ability to perform functional tasks such as cutting a steak or using a telephone

Vollebregt, B., Vasiliu, D., Pepe, AM., Vaclav, M., Jain, A., Lawrence-Dewar, JM., Reinikka, K., Johnson, VBK. Functional Changes Secondary to A 6-Week Hand Training Program Using a Novel Concept Rehabilitation Device, American Society of Neuro Rehabilitation, Annual Meeting, Baltimore, 2017.

Muscle function improved in stroke patients as a result of hand function training

Pepe, A., Vasiliu, D., Vollebregt, B., Jain, A., Reinikka, K., Lawrence-Dewar, J., Johnson, VBK. Changes in Muscle Activity Secondary to a Six-Week Hand Training Program Using a Novel Concept Rehabilitation Device, Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2017.

Patients who participated in the study, reported improvement in hand function

Coccimiglio, G., Vasiliu, D., Pepe, AM., Jain, A., Lawrence-Dewar, JM., Reinikka, K., Johnson, VBK. Subjective Changes Secondary to A Six-Week Hand Training Program Using a Novel Concept Rehabilitation Device, Northern Health Research Conference, Thunder Bay, 2017.

Objective and subjective hand function improved after 3 weeks of training

Meltzer, JA., de Grosbois, J., Marshall, M., Dumais, E., Alibhai-Najarali, S., Wang, G., Heleno, M., Pan, S., Arya, A., Shao, J., Nelson, A., Johnson, VBK., Harris, JE. Changes in Hand Function After Three-weeks of Training Using a Novel Passive Device, Advances in Stroke Recovery Conference, Toronto, 2023.

Persons with chronic stroke experienced an improvement in upper limb function after 7 hours of hand function training

Doan, A., Cayen, K., Marshall, M., Pilon, S., Dumais, E., Singh, RJ., Johnson, VBK., Grewal, R. Neurorehabilitation of the Hand in Chronic Stroke, Advances in Stroke Recovery Conference, Toronto, 2023.

Three weeks of hand function training led to neurophysiological change and functional improvements in persons with chronic stroke

Meltzer, JA., de Grosbois, J., Marshall, M., Dumais, E., Alibhai-Najarali, S., Wang, G., Heleno, M., Pan, S., Arya, A., Shao, J., Nelson, A., Johnson, VBK., Harris, JE. Cortical and Functional Changes in Hand Function After 3-Weeks of Training Using a Novel Passive Device, American Society of Neurorehabilitation Annual Meeting, Charleston, 2023.

Neurophysiological change was accompanied by functional improvements after 15-hours of training using the MyHand TM System in chronic stroke

Meltzer, JA., de Grosbois, J., Marshall, M., Dumais, E., Alibhai-Najarali, S., Wang, G., Heleno, M., Pan, S., Arya, A., Shao, J., Nelson, A., Johnson, VBK., Harris, JE. Changes in Neurophysiological and Upper Extremity Activity After 15-hours of Hand Function Training in Chronic Stroke, Rotman Research Institute Conference, Toronto, 2023.

Hand and finger flexion, extension and strength improved in a sample of chronic stroke patients (on average 10.27 years post-stroke) as a result of 3 weeks of treatment using the MyHand®

Meltzer, JA., de Grosbois, J., Dumais, E., Marshall, M., Wang, G., Alibhai-Najarali, S., Heleno, M., Pan, S., Arya, A., Shao, J., Nelson, A., Harris, JE., Johnson, VBK. The Impact of Training Hand Function with a Novel Device in a Sample of Chronic Stroke Patients, American Society of Hand Therapists Annual Meeting, San Antonio, 2023.

ADL's significantly improved for participants of a 10-week training program

Doan A., Marshall M., Dumais E., Beauchamp S., Perfetto S., Costantino I., Shima M., Dorman S., Singh R.J., Grewal R., Johnson V.B.K. Effects of Patient Driven Passive Hand Function Therapy Using a Real Time Digital and Gamified Interface on Functional Hand Abilities in Chronic Stroke, RehabWeek, Singapore, 2023.

Treatment with the MyHand® allowed for significant improvements in upper extremity activity in mildly, moderately and severely affected persons with stroke

Meltzer J., de Grosbois J., Marshall M., Dumais E., Alibhai-Najarali S., Wang G., Heleno M., Pan S.Y., Arya A., Shao J., Shima M., Rogojin A., Nelson A., Johnson V.B.K., Harris J.E. Changes in Hand Function in Chronic Stroke After Using a Novel Passive Hand Function Therapy Device for 3-Weeks, RehabWeek, Singapore, 2023.

Gamified rehabilitation is preferred over basic user interfaces

Doan, A., Dumais, E., Beauchamp, S., Prefetto, S., Shima, M., Dorman, S., Singh, R.J., Johnson, V.B.K., Grewal, R. Cognitive Load and Game Preferences in the Gamification of Neurorehabilitation-Centric Hand Exercises in Chronic Stroke, World Congress on Virtual Rehabilitation, Amsterdam, 2024.


Research Partners and Clinical Collaborators

Standing united in our dreams to help stroke patients reclaim their lives.

IRegained Inc. is a MedTech company developing novel solutions for the physical rehabilitation needs of people with disabilities. With a mission to help 100 million stroke survivors who have hand function impairment, IRegained has developed the MyHand™ System.


Head and R&D

NORCAT, 1545 Maley Drive,
Sudbury, ON, P3A 4R7